News > Foreign Minister Dr. Zarif: The Importation of capital and technology will boost research and development in the country.


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Foreign Minister Dr. Zarif: The Importation of capital and technology will boost research and development in the country.

Dr. Zarif, the foreign minister who had attended the meeting of TMU’s heads of departments in an address to them said: “the availability of capital and technology is the factor behind the enhancement of development and research and it promotes job opportunity for students and improves manufacturing conditions”.

Attending the 29th heads of departments meeting on active international participation held on the 10th of July at Shaheed Motahari Auditorium, he said: “we live in a turbulent world in which concepts and tools are not static. During the past 35 years, and after the collapse of Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc, a new era called transitional era developed in international relations, during which the superpowers began to lose their hegemony in international relations, a decline which dates back to the early days of 20st century”.

He further added that no longer have certain media or universities the technological monopoly and there is no limitation in any field in the region, and this is an opportune moment that Iran can make the best use of it.

Referring to the significant role of science and technology in the contemporary world, he noted that science and technology have a mutual relationship with foreign policy, a factor which adds to its complex nature further. Today, the study of audience has become more complicated and public opinion is no longer controlled by a single group, an issue which can be regarded a basic development and a golden opportunity not a thread.

The foreign minister added: “today we have numerous information sources and universities should manage knowledge and assist the executive organizations, in order to create the potentials for the country’s development and progress at international arena”.

He noted that the country is not that much strong in the knowledge management and decision-making on the basis of sound information. Dr. Zarif addressed the audience and said: “we have to make use of numerous information available in the virtual world in order to take advantage of them for making timely and right decisions. Otherwise we will be buried under a huge avalanche of unfiltered, chaotic and unsystematic information and will fail to make right decisions.

He stressed that at international sphere, science and technology can pave the way for active participation of Iran in international level and at the same time fulfil the needs of the country. The mission of turning 5 universities of Iran among the top 300 universities of the world is an auspicious mission which can be realized through constant and systematic contact with the outside world.

Dr. Zarif emphasized the role of scientific exchange and added” scientific exchanges are a breeding ground for the development of academia in order to absorb advanced technologies. Our science and technology are endogenous, but it does not mean that we do not have a look at outside achievement or do not wish to make use of technological achievements offered by others. One of the major outputs of Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action was the lifting of bans for Iranian students who wanted to pursue their studies in science and technology abroad. He added.

15:11 - 2017/07/24    /    number : 4872    /    Show Count : 2119
